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Catalogue Number 151560
Antigen/Gene or Protein Targets Cre recombinase under the CYP1A1 promoter.
Disease Keywords Intestinal cancer
Relevance Cre under CYP1A1 promoter enabling inducible recombinase expression with administration of lipophilic xenobiotic (tissue-specific loxP knockout/knockin/transgene) Cre expressed under CYP1A1 promoter, inducible recombinase expression, conditional to site of injection of inducing chemical.
Production Details An AhCre transgene vector, containing the cre coding sequence under the rat CYP1A1 promoter, was injected into fertilized CBAxC57BL6 oocytes. Founder mice were backcrossed onto C57BL6 mice to establish transgenic lines. Heterozygous transgenic lines were interbred to establish homozygous AhCre mice.
Conditional Yes
Conditional Description Inducible Cre expression upon treatment with lipophilic xenobiotic (beta-napthoflavone) enabling inducible expression of Cre recombinase at site of administration (ingestion enables gut-specific Cre expression, injection enables injection-site-specific Cre expression.
Mouse Genetic Background/Cross History C57Bl/6
Zygosity Homozygous
Research Area Cancer, Genetic Studies Tools, Metabolism
Notes The AhCre mouse exhibits sensitive, controllable Cre recombinase induction and activity upon administration of lipophylic xenobiotics (i.e. beta-napthoflavone, betaNP). The AhCre mouse is particularly useful for knockin/knockout/transgene studies of loxP flanked genes in crypt and villus epithelia of the small intestine, with Cre induction levels regulatable by dose, administration route, or timecourse.

Non-induced AhCre mice demonstrate no Cre expression, while induced AhCre mice demonstrate nuclear Cre staining in tissues (widespread staining in small intestine crypts and villi; sporadic staining in liver, pancreas and esophageal epithelia) and succesful recombination of loxP sites. The timecourse of administration and the dose of betaNP can be altered to induce varying levels of Cre induction (and therefore varying levels of recombination/traget gene effect). In addition, the mode of administration (IP versus oral feeding) can also be used to alter the Cre expression pattern; IP inducing SI crypt epithelial Cre expression, oral inducing villus epithelial Cre expression.

The AhCre mouse presents researchers with an ideal tool for the controlled study of gene function and genetic alteration in the GI tract.

Method; intraperitoneal injection of 80mg/kg beta-napthoflavone (bNP) dissolved in corn oil (8mg/mL) OR oral feeding of bNP in corn oil (8mg/mL) mixed with standard rodent food.


There are 6 reference entries for this reagent.

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References: 6 entries

Stringer et al. 2012. Development. 139(3):465-74. PMID: 22190642.

Cdx2 determines the fate of postnatal intestinal endoderm.

Europe PMC ID: 22190642

Kemp et al. 2004. Nucleic Acids Res. 32(11):e92. PMID: 15247325.

Elimination of background recombination: somatic induction of Cre by combined transcriptional regulation and hormone binding affinity.

Europe PMC ID: 15247325

Ireland et al. 2004. Gastroenterology. 126(5):1236-46. PMID: 15131783.

Inducible Cre-mediated control of gene expression in the murine gastrointestinal tract: effect of loss of beta-catenin.

Europe PMC ID: 15131783

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References: 6 entries

Stringer et al. 2012. Development. 139(3):465-74. PMID: 22190642.

Cdx2 determines the fate of postnatal intestinal endoderm.

Kemp et al. 2004. Nucleic Acids Res. 32(11):e92. PMID: 15247325.

Elimination of background recombination: somatic induction of Cre by combined transcriptional regulation and hormone binding affinity.

Ireland et al. 2004. Gastroenterology. 126(5):1236-46. PMID: 15131783.

Inducible Cre-mediated control of gene expression in the murine gastrointestinal tract: effect of loss of beta-catenin.

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