We are proud to announce that The Ximbio website has been shortlisted for The Drum’s DADI Awards! Cyber-Duck the digital agency behind the design and build are delighted that their work in conjunction with Ximbio has earned a nomination for the User Experience (UX) / Usability category.

The Ximbio brief was that user experience (UX) and user-centricity was to be at the heart of it’s site; So, we’re delighted that it has been shortlisted for the UX / Usability category.

The Drum Awards for the Digital Industries (DADIs) celebrate digital excellence, rewarding agencies involved in robust digital strategies and projects over the last year. A prestigious 40-strong panel of digital experts selected the final shortlist, against over 600 competitive entries.

DADI Nomination: Ximbio

The Cyber-Duck accredited, user-centred approach had been intrinsic to the success of Ximbio, by using meticulous persona and stakeholder research we were able to capture the needs of all audiences, from research scientists, university technology transfer offices to commercial companies.

This is great achievement for Ximbio, as the website has been designed using agile processes. Any addtional features are continuously developed to meet the user centric design and fucntionality of the site.

We’re looking forward to celebrating with the other nominees and finding out who the winners are, at Westminster’s Park Plaza Hotel, on the 15th of October.